
‘We are Consciousness, not separate from the Infinite
Eternal Reality out of which all form and circumstances
are arising.’

Three Mountain Foundation offers unique Spiritual Retreats
in British Columbia, Canada.

Author and facilitator, Lynne Gordon-Mündel guides us to remember to come Home to ourselves. 

Happening now…

You will receive . . .
 Understanding of what meditation really is (and how
to practice)
 Knowledge of the nature of Reality – where Science
and the metaphysical meet – and how this
knowledge changes lives
 Time for contemplation (letting questions and
doubts surface)
 Conversation with an elder experienced in the
journey of awakening
 Opportunity to embody deepening realization
through relationship and movement
 Tools to sustain your journey home to your Self
 Opportunity to know people whose fears are
melting, making way for Love.

 Immersing yourself in this work is an ongoing process that can lead to deeper understanding, health, and joy in the body.

Our 2025 retreat dates: 

February 21-23 /  April 11-13 / May 2-5  / June 27-30 / September 19-22  /  November 21-24

  Come. Discover. Experience.

These retreats are a place where critical intelligence and the wisdom of  the Visionaries can establish in us a more natural alignment with Life.


For inquiries about retreats please contact:

Boyd 250-574-3777,  Heidi 250-682-4941 or email tmf@origin8.org.

If you would like to receive our newsletter, please subscribe!

The Three Mountain Foundation Community

“We are not limited to what we can discover with our five senses.  At Three Mountain we encourage one another to recognize and develop the intuitive abilities we require as we take the next step in our evolution.”

Lynne Gordon-Mündel



For this life-changing experience we honour the spirit of the ancient wise ones. Tuition is freely given.  Additional donations gratefully accepted.

A base donation of $264 covers essential costs for the 3-Day Retreat.

You will be welcomed into a home, a garden, a community, an experience that will provide a solid, expanded, harmonious foundation for the rest of your life.

Register for the next retreat   


About TMF…

Three Mountain Foundation,  a not-for-profit organization has offered the work of Lynne Gordon-Mündel for over 40 years.  This work exists to serve humanity in awakening to its fullness. It is grounded in the principles of simplicity, honesty, and attunement with the Source of Being.

This work is conducted in a private residence, an oasis, nestled against the sagebrush-filled hills of Kamloops, BC. 

Alongside retreats, weekly workshops and meditations are held at the Sanctuary, with Zoom Sessions for our international community.

Lynne’s carefully orchestrated conferences have assisted countless people to find a healthier alignment with their true nature and the Source of our existence. Through the embodiment of this work, healing, new levels of understanding, resonant relationships, and exploration of mystical aspects of existence reveal themselves. 

Lynne’s varied books accompany her work of over 40 years exploring the transformational processes. This work is in service to all of humanity, regardless of experience, race, or religion. 

An investment in our Collective Evolution…

If our work has touched you in any way and you would like to support us in continuing, we are grateful for your participation and donations. This could be in the form of  attending conferences, recommending Three Mountain to friends and family, monetary donations, buying books, and even volunteering for conference preparation or to help in the kitchen during a retreat!

The Facilitator, Trustees and support staff are donating their services. Please take a look at the unique economics of Three Mountain.

Donations can be made via e-transfer at tmf@origin8.org for our North American community, and via the Paypal button on this website for our European community. (*Paypal does take a small fee)


 Lynne’s books:

Same great words, a fresh new cover.

second edition cover

first edition cover

Love, Listen and Learn


Why Meditate?

Inspired by India

‘Love’ is What Happens

Read more About Lynne…