Inspired by India
When I returned from India two weeks ago I had two words to describe my feelings about that fascinating land: colorful, and humbling.
Colorful is clearly India. Brilliant saris, orange-garbed Sadhus, monks in red robes, prayer flags, flowering rhododendrons, painted rickshaws and bicycles – even the trucks were painted and decorated with bright colors.
Humbling, however, is a feeling that came about as I had the opportunity to see more deeply into the lives of those who work to alleviate the results of extreme poverty. There are many, but the scenes that touched me most deeply were in the hospital. I now carry in my heart vivid photographs of men and women of all ages, and children, sitting in waiting rooms – some on chairs, some on the floors – their eyes curious about these strange, white people – my son and myself. Most of them were clothed in rags – colorful rags, washed, but washed in streams more closely resembling sewage. They were waiting to be treated free of charge, by doctors, nurses, technicians and others who work for no fee. Expenses are paid but their work is freely given. And, as one example, the anesthesiologist is the only anesthesiologist and she is on call twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Their dedication is founded upon and motivated by their recognition of need, and their spiritual conviction.
I return to my home and my work inspired, knowing this dedication exists. I know also that, in our own way, we who remember the Source of all life and live to remind others are helping also. When, here at home, egos argue with the awakening energies, I will remember those devoted individuals and continue my work with deepened resolve. Here, as there, we provide a place where Sanity and Love can be felt and where the perceived distance between humankind and our Creator can be healed. There are good people all around our world, inspiring hope for the future.