Hello all,
It has been over 6 years since I joined your community in retreat. I wanted to let someone know how much the experience has changed my life. I found a peace in myself and a strength and confidence in knowing how I feel and what I can sense in others in real and should be honored. When I first came I was in a place of transition, trying to figure out what to do with my future. Today I am a mother, wife and businesswomen. My experiences at the retreat has helped me to open my eyes to the way my son, who is five and a half, is able to see the world and the goodness, and wonder without the barrier of an organized philosophy to filter out his pure experiences in the world. At work I work with children. I know I can trust my instincts to feel what a student is feeling and to try to give them what they need. I speak from an authentic place when I tell them I am proud or disappointed or that I will be there for them.
I find myself drawn to your website a few times every year….and it is also almost always when a retreat is going on. I feel part of the community even though it is impossible to join you in person.
Thank you
Theresa Forster, Lethbridge Alberta